Take a walk through our urban forest in Coimbatore: Jothi Nagar ForesTree by E.F.I

Coimbatore is a city where the urban environment can coexist with the natural environment. The city is blessed with natural resources, waterbodies, wildlife and green cover. With the Western Ghats mountain range as the backdrop for Coimbatore’s scenic beauty, E.F.I is set on identifying and converting degraded land in the city into patches of dense forest.

An afforestation site of 0.45 acres was set up in Jothi Nagar, Coimbatore. The site was then cleared of garbage and invasive weeds, and levelled. The saplings were sowed in rows such that there is a myriad of tree diversity in each row. The diversity enhances the local microecology and allows for pollinators such as birds and insects to thrive. These saplings were regularly watered and checked to prevent insect growth or diseases. Lastly, protective fencing was established around the site to prevent anthropogenic encroachment of the urban forest and the dumping of waste.

A total of 1590 saplings were planted in the site. In a span of two years, these saplings have grown into trees with lush green canopies. The high density of trees will help in cooling down the urban heat island. The network of roots helps in holding the soil together and recycling soil nutrients.

The saplings that were planted were native Indian trees, that provide flowers and fruits. Additionally, some of the trees such as Neem and Soap Nut are known to have medicinal properties. The Table below shows the trees that were planted in the site.

S noEnglish nameTamil name
2Black plumநாவல்பழம்
3Bakayan Treeகாட்டு வேம்பூ
4Wood appleவிளாம்பழம்
5Soap nutபூந்தி கொட்டை
6Tamarindபுளிய‌ மரம்
7Pongamiaபுங்கை மரம்
8Coral treeகல்யாண முருங்கை …
9Obtuse-leaved mimusopsஉலக்கைப்பாலை
10Stone appleவில்வம்
11Indian Laburnumசரக்கொன்றை
12Manila tamarindகொடுக்காய்ப்புளி
13Neem treeவேப்ப மரம்
14Custard appleசீத்தாப்பழம்
15Orchid treeமந்தாரை
16Terminalia arjunaமருத மரம்
17Madhuca longifoliaஇலுப்பை மரம்
19Mangoமா மரம்
20Bur flower treeகடம்ப மரம்
21Black Sirisகருவாகை
22Peepal treeஅரச மரம்
23Indian gooseberryஅரை நெல்லி
24Silk Cotton Treeமுள்ளிலவ மரம்
25Ebony treeகருங்காலி மரம்
26Indian elmஆயா மரம்

Take a look at the pictures below, to follow E.F.I’s afforestation journey from barren land to lush greenery, at the site in Jothi Nagar.

Afforestation site after sapling plantation
Jothi Nagar Afforestation site, 1 year after sapling plantation

Jothi Nagar Afforestation site at present. The saplings have grown into a canopy.

We thank Government of Tamil Nadu for their administrative support and Computer Age Management Services Limited for their funding support. We thank the local community for supporting this afforestation effort.

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